Future continuous
We can use the future continuous (will / won't be + -ing form) to talk about future actions that:

Will be in progress at a specific time in the future:
    • When you come out fo school tomorrow, I'll be boarding a plane.
    • Try to call before 8 o'clock. After that, we'll be watching the match..
    • You can't visit us during the first week of July. I won't be working then.
We see as new, different or temporary: 
    • Today we're taking the bus but next week we'll be taking the train.
    • He will be staying with his parents for several months while his father is in recovery.
    • Will you be starting work earlier with your new job?
Future perfect
We can use the future perfect simple (will / won't be + past simple) to talk about something that will be completed before a specific time in the future.
    • The guests are coming at 8 p.m. I'll have finished cooking by then.
    • On 9 October we'll have been married for 50 years.
    • Will you have gone to bed when I get back?

We can use phrases like by or by the time (meaning 'at some point before') and in or in a day's time / in two months' time / in five years' time etc. (meaning 'at the end of this period') to give the time period in which the action will be completed.

    • I won't have written all the reports by next week.
    • By the time we arrive, the kids will have gone to the bed.
    • I'll have finished in an hour and then we can watch a film.
    • In three years' time. I'll have graduated from university.
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