Prefer or Rather?


would rather + infinitive … (than)
We use would rather + infinitive (without to) to talk about preference. We can use it with than (+noun/infinitive) in affirmative sentences or with or in questions. e,g,
  • I‘ rather have tea, please. 
  • I rather have tea than drink that coffee.
  •  Would you rather have tea or coffee?
would rather + subject + past simple
  • We can use would rather + subject + past simple to refer to the present or future.
  • Wed rather she was/were with us now.
  • Shed rather I picked her up after lunch
  • Would you rather we went by bus or by train?
NOTE: that we can use were instead of was with I/he/she after would rather + subject.

(would)  prefer + to + infinitive... (rather than/instead of)
We use prefer/would prefer + noun or to + infinitive to talk about specific preference, i.e. what we prefer on a specific occasion.
  • I would prefer to stay in a hotel near the airport. (or I would rather stay…)
  • Most clients prefer to have breakfast in their bedroom.
We can use prefer/would prefer with rather than or instead of to show the choices we have.
  • would prefer to be too early rather than be too late. 
  • I prefer to go with dad instead of staying here with mum. 
NOTE: that we use rather than + infinitive without to.

PREFER + ing Verb
We use prefer + noun or -ing verb to talk about general preference, i.e. what we prefer in general, on every occasion.
  • I love running, but he prefers cycling.

We can use prefewith to to show the choices we have. The word to is a preposition here, so if we use a verb after to, it should take the -ing form.
  • He prefers walking to cycling.
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